Integrity testing of newly installed waterproofing membranes has become common place for new build projects, in particular large commercial constructions or apartment blocks, although it is also used in other sectors of the construction industry too.
Thornton Consulting are an independent test house involved in integrity testing of newly installed waterproofing membranes, having been instrumental in introducing the test method to the UK more than 30 years ago. In that time, we have built up a large portfolio of clients throughout the sector, but notably main contractors and roofing contractors who understand the importance of integrity testing, particularly prior to hand over of a roof where both parties need to ensure the system is watertight and the membrane is not breached. If damage is located, however, this is the perfect time for repairs to be undertaken as they can easily be repaired and re-tested.
Electronic Leak Detection is typically used to establish the integrity of newly installed waterproofing systems and the type of test used will depend on the membrane type and roof build-up. The test is undertaken to the entire area of field sheet, upstands at the perimeter of the roof and around penetrations or plinths. Most electronic leak detection test methods rely on the electrically conductive properties of the structural deck and electrical insulating properties of the membrane to be affective and in that regard, we use both the low voltage “wet“ method and high voltage “holiday test”.
Thornton Consulting issue a report and marked up plan to our clients at the conclusion of the test which can then be presented to membrane manufactures at completion of the project in order to gain warranties.
Where the structural deck is not conductive, other methods or procedures are available, such as Thornton Consulting’s Differential Pressure Test. Further information on these tests is available on our website, however, if you have a particular project you wish to discuss, please call our office on 01342 410508.